Wednesday, January 16, 2008

HSLDA PAC Endorses Mike Huckabee for President

J. Michael Smith, HSLDA President; and Michael P. Farris, HSLDA Chairman & General Counsel, wrote an endorsement letter to all its members to consider electing Mike Huckabee for the next President. They encouraged their constituents to support, pray, donate and volunteer in the campaign knowing that Mike is "a principled conservative, a friend of homeschooling, a man of character, and a man with a mature faith in Jesus Christ." I couldn't agree more. They told members that:

Mike Huckabee, as governor, was the first to appoint a homeschooler to the Arkansas State Board of Education, and to our knowledge the first to do so in any state. He is adamantly opposed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and is committed to stopping the erosion of parental rights. He is pro-life. He supports traditional marriage. He believes that the Internal Revenue Service should be abolished and replaced with the Fair Tax--a move that we strongly support because it would greatly benefit homeschooling families. He believes and is willing to say that Islamic extremism needs to be understood as a theologically driven threat. He believes that America must be strong, but should never be perceived as a bully. He believes that our borders must be secured not only from illegal immigration but from the growing trend among American judges of "illegally importing" international law into our American judicial systems.

To read the whole letter, click here.

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