Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Mind... My Vote!

The media would like us to think that the Republican race is a “done deal.” That it does not matter what you, and the rest of the country think at this point (the same media that last summer told us Giuliani and Hillary were unstoppable and inevitable). We know that the media tries to matter in every election but they should stick to reporting.

To make matters worse, the PA GOP would also like to have you think that they represent us and know for whom we are voting. Our party leadership is using our party’s funds to support candidates before their constituents, donors, and grassroots supporters speak out, before the Primary election is even held. Is it any wonder why the Republican Party is losing its identity and base? Let us not be too quick to sacrifice the sanctity of our ballot.

The truth is, unless John McCain gets 1,191 committed delegates before the convention, then the nomination won’t be decided until at the convention. An endorsement by a dropped candidate does not commit his delegates to the endorsee. They can vote for whoever they want!

Remember Abraham Lincoln? He got his nomination after the 3rd round of votes at the Republican convention! (The longest Republican convention was in 1880, when James Garfield won the nomination on the 36th round of votes!)

Don’t let the media discourage you! Vote for the candidate of your choice!

Issues where candidates differ:

1 - Supports a national Human Life Amendment
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: NO

2 - Supports ban on embryonic stem cell research
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES

3 - Supports law prohibiting human cloning
Huckabee: YES
McCain: YES
Paul: NO

4 - Supports Federal Marriage Amendment
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: NO

5 - Supports elimination of the IRS
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES

6 - Supports plans for a North American Union
Huckabee: NO
McCain: YES
Paul: NO

7 - Signed pledge not to raise taxes
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES

8 - Signed no amnesty for illegal aliens pledge
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES

9 - Emphasizes secure border as part of immigration plan
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES

10 - Supports immediate withdraw of troops from Iraq
Huckabee: NO
McCain: NO
Paul: YES

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