Monday, August 18, 2008

Holden's Failure

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Driven by the crisis in energy costs, Republicans in the U.S. House pooled their energy strategy into a single piece of legislation, the American Energy Act. The bill would increase the supply of American-produced energy and promote new energy technologies to help lower the price at the pump, and reduce America's dangerous dependence on foreign energy sources.

Because the package includes domestic drilling, Speaker Nancy Pelosi avoided a vote by prematurely adjourning the House for five weeks. The motion to adjourn was passed on July 30 by a single vote. Congressman Todd Platts, R-York, opposed adjournment to continue work on energy solutions to reduce energy prices for Americans. So did 17 responsible Democrats.

Congressman Tim Holden, D-Schuylkill, voted with Pelosi to adjourn, abandoning his responsibility to his district to lower gas prices and reduce American dependence on foreign oil.

Holden's failure -- the failure of the Democrats -- to address this economic crisis hurts American families, businesses and the economy. It also threatens American security. Voters in Holden's 17th District should reconsider their support for the congressman. Much is at stake.

-- WARREN S. HUDAK JR., Fairview Twp.

Short sentiment

I'm trying to think of the shortest letter to the editor in the history of The Patriot-News. My offering is one word with four letters: "Vote."



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