Friday, April 16, 2010

Sam Rohrer Endorsed by Homeschool Leader

Sam Rohrer has been representing Bucks County since 1992. That translates as being elected and re-elected nine times, a good job performance approval from his constituents. This comes as no surprise since he has been an outspoken supporter for timeless constitutional principles evidenced by his record. And there can be no more explosive issue today than the protection of time-honored traditions and practice.

Posterity depends on education and is a universal campaign hot topic.

As a home educator by choice and by default - and later by conviction, I owe a debt of gratitude to Sam Rohrer. He is a courageous homeschool father who continues to work hard to protect the rights of parents to teach and train their own God-given charge.

I am pleased that Michael Farris of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association has come out to endorse him for all his efforts.

"As homeschooling parents of six, Sam and Ruth Ann have led by example. Take a closer look at Sam Rohrer’s record on parental rights and education. If you’re a homeschooling parent, the old license place slogan applies – 'You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania'!”
Join the growing grassroots movement “to energetically support him in every way possible. His election would be a tremendous victory for the cause.”


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