Monday, May 10, 2010

CHAP Endorsement to The Membership

Below is an endorsement letter sent out exclusively to CHAP members.


Dear CHAP Member,

As a CHAP member you are getting this special email. It is only going to CHAP members for reasons that will become obvious shortly. Because CHAP is a federal 501 C4 corporation, we can endorse candidates for public office to our membership. We have never done this before. This letter is to endorse not one but two candidates in the upcoming primary and hopefully then the general election in the fall. They are Pennsylvania Representative Sam Rohrer running for Governor and Pennsylvania Representative Daryl Metcalfe running for Lt. Governor.

I first met Sam Rohrer at the 1995 CHAP convention. He was a homeschooler who also happened to be a Pennsylvania State Representative. We, at CHAP, have worked with him ever since. He has been our champion at the state capitol on various issues including our attempt to get a Homeschool Freedom Bill - HB 2560. As good as that has been, that is not the reason we are supporting Sam for Governor of Pennsylvania. The reason that we are supporting Sam is that he is a man of sterling integrity. He stands firmly for his principles, regardless of distractions.

This letter is to encourage you to go to and find out how to support him. This is our chance to have a homeschooling governor. He is a man whose goals and values are the same as ours. If I had to choose between Sam and myself for governor, I would certainly choose Sam.

Along with Sam Rohrer, CHAP encourages you to also work for and support Daryl Metcalfe for the office of Lt. Governor. Daryl Metcalfe is a Pennsylvania Representative who has been working with CHAP as long as he has been in office. He is a steadfast supporter of homeschooling and Christian family values. He once told us that he would sponsor any legislation that we wanted. His staunch integrity has been a source of wonder to me. He too deserves our fervent support.

If you have ever found yourself wondering why we don't elect men of integrity, here is your chance to make it happen. Support these two men as if your future, and the future of your children depended on it, for it surely does.

They are in need of funds, calls, signage and other hard work. Contact their campaigns, tell them CHAP sent you and ask to be put to work. Don't wait - Act now to make a difference! Both of these men will be speakers at the CHAP Convention on Friday, May 7, 2010. They have been invited to speak through their legislative offices as State Representatives on issues they see facing homeschool parents in Pennsylvania.

Go to and and support him with all your resources.

On behalf of the Chap Board,

Bruce Eagleson, Chairman

The Board:
Don & Darlene Catlett

Bruce & Mary Ann Eagleson

Kevin & Meg Kanoff

Tim & Valerie Moore

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