Sunday, January 13, 2008

Beyond Civics 101 - HuckaMania in Pennsylvania

I would like to think that it all started with my family. I have teens who discuss politics with my husband and me like any other topics. In fact we fight over the latest World Magazine issue and sometimes talk out of turn in reaction to a topic on talk radio. Politics is one of our passions and being pro-active in these matters keeps my kids ahead of the game. When they decided to check into each presidential candidate, my husband and I were pleased that the unanimous vote was clearly for Mike Huckabee. We were all impressed by his character, his leadership quality, and his policy. He may not be perfect, but we liked Mike a lot.

Here is how we judge our candidate: he needs to be a social conservative above all, then his view on the economy and our security are only next in importance.

1 - Does he believe in the sanctity of life?
2 - Does he honor the time tested traditional family make up?
3 - Does he understand the gravity of the threat to our national security?
4 - Does he have a practical policy to fix the immigration problem in the country with compassion while upholding the law?
5 - Does he understand the need for fiscal conservatism and what it is like to walk in the shoes of the average American burdened by the level of taxation imposed by the government?
6 – Does he acknowledge the fact that our rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution are very much under threat?

We can say without hesitation that Mike Huckabee passes the test for who we want for a president.

I hope that you will visit this site often as I strive to post articles that matter in Mike Huckabee’s presidential aspiration. I believe him to be the best man to be our leader who will also honor time tested Biblical principles our forefathers used to found this country.

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