Friday, January 18, 2008

$25 times 10,000 is what it is.

The one incredible thing that baffles the media about Mike Huckabee's campaign is his climb to first tier -- having "come from nowhere" and with very little money. Who would have thought that he’ll be on the top in the January 17 Rasmussen Poll? But as the man himself has said, "It's the last lap that counts, not the first one". We can help maintain the momentum.

Please pledge $25 and join The Momentum Project. Ask others to do the same. No money will be collected unless and not until we become 10,000 strong. Imagine the difference we can make – together. Click on the pledge icon on the right now and pledge your $25 support.

Side note: I was so impressed by the idea of this project being a supporter with limited means. After some correspondence, I learned that the founder of the project who is also hosting the website is a home educated young man who loves the Lord. Not a surprise there.

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