"There’s no question that Sarah Palin’s hope for those unwanted children, expressed in that speech, was a line in the sand — not just politically, but spiritually, against darker forces in an ancient battle between good and evil."
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." ~Ronald Reagan
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Palin, for Posterity
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Dems Get Set to Muzzle the Right?
New York Post
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Should Barack Obama win the presidency and Democrats take full control of Congress, next year will see a real legislative attempt to bring back the Fairness Doctrine - and to diminish conservatives' influence on broadcast radio, the one medium they dominate.
Yes, the Obama campaign said some months back that the candidate doesn't seek to re-impose this regulation, which, until Ronald Reagan's FCC phased it out in the 1980s, required TV and radio broadcasters to give balanced airtime to opposing viewpoints or face steep fines or even loss of license. But most Democrats - including party elders Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Al Gore - strongly support the idea of mandating "fairness."
Would a President Obama veto a new Fairness Doctrine if Congress enacted one? It's doubtful.
The Fairness Doctrine was an astonishingly bad idea. It's a too-tempting power for government to abuse. When the doctrine was in effect, both Democratic and Republican administrations regularly used it to harass critics on radio and TV.
Second, a new Fairness Doctrine would drive political talk radio off the dial. If a station ran a big-audience conservative program like, say, Laura Ingraham's, it would also have to run a left-leaning alternative. But liberals don't do well on talk radio, as the failure of Air America and indeed all other liberal efforts in the medium to date show. Stations would likely trim back conservative shows so as to avoid airing unsuccessful liberal ones.
Then there's all the lawyers you'd have to hire to respond to the regulators measuring how much time you devoted to this topic or that. Too much risk and hassle, many radio executives would conclude. Why not switch formats to something less charged - like entertainment or sports coverage?
For those who dismiss this threat to freedom of the airwaves as unlikely, consider how the politics of "fairness" might play out with the public. A Rasmussen poll last summer found that fully 47 percent of respondents backed the idea of requiring radio and television stations to offer "equal amounts of conservative and liberal political commentary," with 39 percent opposed.
Liberals, Rasmussen found, support a Fairness Doctrine by 54 percent to 26 percent, while Republicans and unaffiliated voters were more evenly divided. The language of "fairness" is seductive.
Even with control of Washington and public support, Dems would have a big fight in passing a Fairness Doctrine. Rush Limbaugh & Co. wouldn't sit by idly and let themselves be regulated into silence, making the outcome of any battle uncertain. But Obama and the Democrats also plan other, more subtle regulations that would achieve much the same outcome.
He and most Democrats want to expand broadcasters' public-interest duties. One such measure would be to impose greater "local accountability" on them - requiring stations to carry more local programming whether the public wants it or not. The reform would entail setting up community boards to make their demands known when station licenses come up for renewal. The measure is clearly aimed at national syndicators like Clear Channel that offer conservative shows. It's a Fairness Doctrine by subterfuge.
Obama also wants to relicense stations every two years (not eight, as is the case now), so these monitors would be a constant worry for stations. Finally, the Democrats also want more minority-owned stations and plan to intervene in the radio marketplace to ensure that outcome.
It's worth noting, as Jesse Walker does in the latest Reason magazine, that Trinity Church, the controversial church Obama attended for many years, is heavily involved in the media-reform movement, having sought to restore the Fairness Doctrine, prevent media consolidation and deny licenses to stations that refuse to carry enough children's programming.
Regrettably, media freedom hasn't been made an issue by the McCain campaign, perhaps because the maverick senator is himself no fan of unbridled political speech, as his long support of aggressive campaign-finance regulation underscores. But the threat to free speech is real - and profoundly disturbing.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The omni-present tenticles of the dems
I am not a fan of Saturday Night Live and only paid attention to it when Tina Fey's impersonation of Sarah Palin became the craze. Now that SNL is finally featuring liberal characters, all of a sudden, they're getting pulled out from the internet. Read more here.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
When Ronald Reagan was running for president, the social debate was about when life begins. The semantics were blob of tissue versus fetus. Although this argumentation remain, it is appalling that one candidate who claims to be a Christian is only clearly marked by two certain things in his political background: his barbaric views on infant care for those who survive botched abortions and his twisted defense of equal rights for women who are objectified as mere inventory for the abortion industry. This culture epic is truly alarming when we realize that we are killing and hurting our own citizenry.
I’d like to remind Senator Obama of just a couple short compassionate Bible quotes -- mind you, from the Old Testament, since he seem to undermine its relevance to his progressive views while claiming to adhere to the faith.
First, Christ’s ancestor himself, King David, affirms the value of a life even before conception -
“Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16, NIV)
The second is from the prophet Moses whose job description is often caricatured as messengers of a cranky God, yes, from MLK’s own hero in leading the civil rights movement who have this to say -
“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” (Deuteronomy 30:19 & 20, NIV)
The kind of change we need and the hope that is truly audacious can only stem from faith in the Holy One, knowledge of the Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – whose Son, Jesus Christ, came down to earth to live and die so that everybody, "formed or unformed" may have life and have it to its fullest.
The decisions you have made, the bills you have upheld and the campaign rhetoric you espouse are not in synchrony, Senator; neither does your professed faith. That is why I cannot vote for you. You may have 2 daughters of your own but I cannot trust you to shape legislations for mine. That is why I can only vote for the McCain-Palin ticket, the real Christian, pro-life and pro-women ticket.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sarah Palin Power Links
H/T for video find: Eric Odom
Confused about Obama facts?
Should you vote for Obama? Check where you line up with his platform and the rest of America. Click here to take the test.
If you want to know more about Obama's alarming associations that you hear on radio talk shows but the mainstream media is not mentioning, click here.
Some refreshing views that prove this does not have to be a racial election.
~ To view PDitty's rantings, click here for The Ditty Retort.
~ Dr. Robert Woodson, a civil rights leader, thanks America that Dr. King's dream is now a reality. Watch it here.
More coming...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Joe Biden Lies 14 Times During Debate.
Each time Senator Biden was on his heels, he looked directly into the camera and lied -- more than a dozen times by our count. He lied about John McCain's record, his own record, and Barak Obama's dangerous policies. Governor Palin showed the American people tonight why a McCain-Palin Administration will bring real reform, leadership, and straight talk to Washington." --Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008
1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted "the exact same way" as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.
2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.
3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, "Drill we must." But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to "raping" the Outer Continental Shelf."
4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it's passage.
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he's always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.
6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to FactCheck.org, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain's record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.
7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false
8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.
9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.
10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.
11. IRAQ: When Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was "dead wrong on Iraq", because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where they John McCain has been proven right.
12. TAX INCREASES: Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn't see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.
13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn't meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of "part of a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20."
14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama, Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan.
Source: www.johnmccain.com
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm questioning Gwen Ifill's role as moderator
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Bush Pilot's View of Sarah Palin
Dear Friends.
Fishing is good here at Wildman and I rarely have time for politics, but recently many of our friends are asking us "Who is Sarah Palin?" Of course, as Alaskans, Kathy and I are extremely proud of her. We just want to let you know that Sarah "Barracuda" Palin is a straight shooting, hard charging, get it done gal. She knows when to listen, how to analyze the facts and how to make a decision, then implement the plan. She doesn't do a poll before jumping in with both feet like too many of the Washington types. She has little legislative experience because she has always held the EXECUTIVE position; in private life, as mayor of Anchorage's largest bedroom community or more recently as Governor of our State. She is a smart, attractive home grown Alaska girl with excellent moral and family values. She can see what needs to be done and does not hesitate to get it done.
One of our State's major problems is that its Capital is in Juneau, 500 miles from the nearest road and 800 air miles from the population base which is Anchorage, Wasilla and Fairbanks. Our legislature and most of the State government is in Juneau and they ALL behave like a bunch of freshmen in a college town. It has been this way since Statehood in 1959. When Sarah moved to Juneau, so did accountability and responsibility When the oil revenue started flown and a barrel of North Slope Crude hit $23.00, these people began spending money like drunken sailors. You can only imagine what was happenings when oil hit $100.00 a barrel, about the time Sarah took command. My wife Kathy has first-hand experience with this fiasco, as her father and also her ex-husband were Alaska Legislators who served in Juneau as Senators, Senate President, or members of the State House for a combined period spanning nearly three decades.
About the time Sarah took the HELM as Governor of Alaska, about half of the State legislature was in the pocket of big oil companies or contractors doing big projects for Native Corporations around Alaska, all funded by State oil revenue. Alaska government was nothing but a good old boys club riding the perpetual wave of prosperity. This filtered down from the legislature, through the Department of Natural Resources, Department of Labor and even spilled in to the Public Safety who are supposed to "preserve and protect".
When Sarah walked into the Governor's Mansion, she promptly dismissed the State Trooper detachment assigned to Governor and had her and her husband's gun case brought in from Wasilla. Then, she got rid of the former Governor's STATE Jet and told legislators that there were no more free rides, they would have to fly Alaska Airlines, just like her and her family if they wanted to travel. Next came the nut cutting (the Barracuda part) the heads that rolled were too numerous to name, but when Sarah finished cleaning house, a number of our legislators ended up in jail for on corruption charges, or tendered their resignations along with numerous department heads and those who have been riding the gravy train for way too long, AND THEN SHE HAD LUNCH. By the end of the day, Sarah Palin had saved the people of Alaska millions and has not yet slowed down.
She has truly brought CHANGE to Juneau. I personally know several persons in the private sector in Alaska, that hold her in high esteem. She surrounds herself with smart people, many from my hometown of Anchorage, she listens to them but makes her own decisions. Sarah Palin is a no B.S. politician. It is refreshing that there is such a thing anymore. You want to talk about CHANGE? You should see a before and after picture of the State government in Alaska. That's CHANGE! Sarah will bring a number of things to the election. I am sure she will appeal many voters who my otherwise could have gone the other direction on election day. The conservative block will not be for Barack. We have their vote. We need what Sarah will bring, first to the election and second, what she will bring to Washington D.C. McCain has been advised well, Let's just hope the American people can get the straight scoop on her in the weeks ahead. This is just the opinion of one Alaska Bush Pilot and Guide, who pays attention to national politics, watches the news and is deathly afraid of the direction our nation is headed. I guarantee that if Sarah gets a chance to dig her spurs into the flanks of the liberal Washington types, they will know that she is in the saddle.
Butch King
Palin on Homeschooling
Supports charter schools, home schools, & other alternatives
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sarah Palin, a friend of mine
I just came across another impressive testimony from someone else close to her - David Murrow who wrote Why Men Hate Church. This is a refreshing read without a media spin. One that simply reveals more of her character and substance. After all, approval ratings are also earned.
Monday, September 8, 2008
School Choice for the Parents?
This is humorous and a reflection of the problem with big government. If you get the "no longer available" message, try again, or try later.
School choice good for Obama – but not for you

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Holden's Failure
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Driven by the crisis in energy costs, Republicans in the U.S. House pooled their energy strategy into a single piece of legislation, the American Energy Act. The bill would increase the supply of American-produced energy and promote new energy technologies to help lower the price at the pump, and reduce America's dangerous dependence on foreign energy sources.
Because the package includes domestic drilling, Speaker Nancy Pelosi avoided a vote by prematurely adjourning the House for five weeks. The motion to adjourn was passed on July 30 by a single vote. Congressman Todd Platts, R-York, opposed adjournment to continue work on energy solutions to reduce energy prices for Americans. So did 17 responsible Democrats.
Congressman Tim Holden, D-Schuylkill, voted with Pelosi to adjourn, abandoning his responsibility to his district to lower gas prices and reduce American dependence on foreign oil.
Holden's failure -- the failure of the Democrats -- to address this economic crisis hurts American families, businesses and the economy. It also threatens American security. Voters in Holden's 17th District should reconsider their support for the congressman. Much is at stake.
-- WARREN S. HUDAK JR., Fairview Twp.
Short sentiment
I'm trying to think of the shortest letter to the editor in the history of The Patriot-News. My offering is one word with four letters: "Vote."
Source: http://www.pennlive.com/patriotnews/stories/index.ssf?/base/news/121860080085930.xml&coll=1
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Americans' attitude toward home schooling
A survey finds the majority of Americans believe parents have a constitutional right to home school their children.
The survey was conducted last spring by LifeWay Research shortly after a California appeals court ruled that parents did not have a constitutional right to home school their kids. However, the same California court has since reversed its earlier decision, saying the state legislature implicitly accepted that home schooling was legal.
According to the survey of 1,200 Americans, 61 percent agreed strongly that the Constitution guarantees the right of parents to home school, while 25 percent agreed somewhat. Eight percent disagreed, five percent disagreed strongly, and two percent did not know. But Ed Stetzer, director of LifeWay Research, says the survey revealed a concern among the public that home schooling fails to provide "adequate socialization skills" for students.
"We do a poll -- we don't ask is this right or wrong, we ask what do people think. And they do think this is a concern," he points out. "I've home schooled as well, and I've found myself having to explain to people, on more than one occasion, that we find socialization in many places other than a school system. So I think people have to recognize that it is a concern of the culture," said Stetzer. And because of that, he notes, it is "a perception that home-schooling families need to overcome."
Fifty-four percent agreed with the statement that children who are home schooled often lack social skills. However, Stetzer thinks parents who home school can help educate the culture about the positive aspects of home schooling.
Friday, August 15, 2008
An Open Letter to Congressman Tim Holden
I am the sponsor parent for the Generation Joshua Keystone Club of Central Pennsylvania. We started the club in July of 2005 and have been consistently running since then. The teenagers are between the ages of 11 and 19 from Perry, Dauphin, Schuylkill, Lancaster, Cumberland and York Counties. We meet once a month to pray, talk about a passage of Scripture, discuss politics and other current events, as well as to study books relevant to impacting the society and culture. In the past, the club has also done service projects with a local crisis pregnancy center and Bethesda Mission, as well as non-partisan voter registration drives.
I write to ask you to please reconsider our invitation to debate with Toni Gilhooley on Sunday, August 17, 2008 at the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg. It will only be for an hour, from 3:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon.
The kids have been involved with various political activities in the past, but this is the first time they are sponsoring a debate and are looking forward to the experience – learning something new about the political process during an election year.
I know that you are a busy man and probably have many functions to attend, but I just thought that I would appeal to you in behalf of these teenagers who have chosen to participate in government even before their voting years. Unlike their peers who may not be tuned in to the news, yet alone politics, the Gen J Club members are practicing good citizenship and training for leadership. I know that they would appreciate witnessing a legislative leader model sensitivity and appreciation for their level of patriotism.
I am including a copy of the Press Release we sent out. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Corie Moore,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Candidates for the 17th Congressional District Debate
3:00 PM at the Ballroom
The National Civil War Museum
1 Lincoln Circle, Harrisburg, PA 17103
For Immediate Release
August 4, 2008
Contact: Glenn Bertsch
Phone (570) 622-7001
E-mail: keystonegenj@yahoo.com
Harrisburg PA - The Keystone Gen J Club, a local chapter of Generation Joshua is hosting a debate of the 17th Congressional District candidates, incumbent Congressman Tim Holden and Republican challenger, Toni Gilhooley. This event takes place on Sunday, August 17, 2008, at 3:00 p.m. at the Ballroom of the National Civil War Museum, 1 Lincoln Circle, Harrisburg.
Glenn Bertsch, Keystone Gen J Club President and resident of Schuylkill County, believes that sponsoring a debate will be a good learning experience for the group and the public. “After participating in campaign activities across the country, I am excited to host this debate for our local candidates. It is important to educate voters so they can make an informed decision regarding their vote. We are hopeful that both candidates will participate in the debate.”
The voters of the 17th Congressional District may submit their questions for the debate by emailing them to keystonegenj@yahoo.com. Club members will be in the panel with Glenn Bertsch moderating.
To date, only Toni Gilhooley has accepted the invitation. This event is free and open to the public.
# # #
The Keystone Gen J Club was founded in July of 2005 by teenage students who wanted to actively impact their community and country through service projects, by staying on top of current events, participating in the political process, and gaining leadership training through book discussions. They meet in Harrisburg on a monthly basis with members coming from different areas in Central Pennsylvania.
Generation Joshua is designed for Christian youth between the ages of 11 and 19 who want to become a force in the civic and political arenas. Our goal is to ignite a vision in young people to help America return to her Judeo-Christian foundations. We provide students with hands-on opportunities to implement that vision. There are five major divisions to Generation Joshua. Each division contributes to the entire program in a unique way. The divisions are: Civics Education, GenJ Clubs, Voter Registration Initiatives, Student Action Teams, and Benjamin Rush Awards Program. To learn more, visit http://www.GenerationJoshua.org.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Post PA Primary Election Thoughts
John McCain got 72.7% without campaigning. In fact, we didn't even get a single yard sign from his campaign.
Ron Paul had 15.9% of the votes. He came to campaign and poured a lot of money up to the last minute. His radio ads and rows of yard signs kept his supporters pushing as if waging a close race.
Mike Huckabee collected an amazing 11.4% votes considering that he kept his word and exited honorably and at just the right time.
Based on the stories I've gathered, a number of conservative Republicans stayed home un-enamored with the "presumptive" nominee and under-enthused by the direction the party is going. I can believe that, based on how the returns by precint were coming.
Operation Chaos was also at play from among Rush Limbaugh listeners. In my county alone, some 5,000 voters have switched their party affiliation. Undeniably, this is also a race and gender motivated election.
One thing missed by those who stayed home biting their fingers, and those who voted with scheme or compromise in mind -- is voting for some lower and more local legislative positions. Pardon me if I sound consternating but although certain candidates may be unopposed during primary, a number of faith-filled and courageous candidates run very challenging races. To top it off, not to be undermined but not widely publicized candidates include Party Committee members who were also on the ballot; as well as delegates and alternate delegates to the convention. These are unpaid positions but they are motivated members who can greatly determine the course of the election process.
Anyway, if you like numbers, here's a link to the figures of the state of the State of Pensylvania voters for whatever it's worth: http://www.dos.state.pa.us/elections/lib/elections/055_voter_registration_statistics/currentstats/currentvotestats.xls
Let us go on to November 4 with courage, hope and integrity.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Governor Huckabee, Thank You
In the midst of sadness, disappointment and feelings of betrayal from those I expected to recognize a great man that they would throw their support and endorsement to the Governor, I take comfort that God is still on the throne. His thoughts are wiser and His ways are better. He is Good and He is Sovereign in all our affairs. I do not know His plans and purposes but He is in control.
I know that many of you share these similar sentiments and I encourage you to visit the Mike Huckabee website and thank him for all he has done on our behalf by campaigning for our principles and values. Thank you.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
My Mind... My Vote!
To make matters worse, the PA GOP would also like to have you think that they represent us and know for whom we are voting. Our party leadership is using our party’s funds to support candidates before their constituents, donors, and grassroots supporters speak out, before the Primary election is even held. Is it any wonder why the Republican Party is losing its identity and base? Let us not be too quick to sacrifice the sanctity of our ballot.
The truth is, unless John McCain gets 1,191 committed delegates before the convention, then the nomination won’t be decided until at the convention. An endorsement by a dropped candidate does not commit his delegates to the endorsee. They can vote for whoever they want!
Remember Abraham Lincoln? He got his nomination after the 3rd round of votes at the Republican convention! (The longest Republican convention was in 1880, when James Garfield won the nomination on the 36th round of votes!)
Don’t let the media discourage you! Vote for the candidate of your choice!
Issues where candidates differ:
1 - Supports a national Human Life Amendment
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: NO
2 - Supports ban on embryonic stem cell research
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES
3 - Supports law prohibiting human cloning
Huckabee: YES
McCain: YES
Paul: NO
4 - Supports Federal Marriage Amendment
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: NO
5 - Supports elimination of the IRS
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES
6 - Supports plans for a North American Union
Huckabee: NO
McCain: YES
Paul: NO
7 - Signed pledge not to raise taxes
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES
8 - Signed no amnesty for illegal aliens pledge
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES
9 - Emphasizes secure border as part of immigration plan
Huckabee: YES
McCain: NO
Paul: YES
10 - Supports immediate withdraw of troops from Iraq
Huckabee: NO
McCain: NO
Paul: YES
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Soros Has Been Funding McCain?
As Sen. John McCain assumes the GOP front-runner mantle, his long-standing, but little-noticed association with left-wing donors such as George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry is receiving new attention among his Republican critics.
In 2001, McCain founded the Alexandria, Va.-based Reform Institute as a vehicle to receive funding from George Soros' Open Society Institute and Teresa Heinz Kerry's Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations.
McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections.
In 2006, the Arizona senator was forced to sever his formal ties with the Reform Institute after a controversial $200,000 contribution from Cablevision came to light. McCain solicited the donation for the Reform Institute using his membership on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, he supported Cablevision's push to introduce the more profitable al la carte pricing, rather than packages of TV programming.
Yet, the Reform Institute still employs the McCain campaign's Hispanic outreach director, Juan Hernandez, as a senior fellow of its Comprehensive Immigration Reform Initiative.
As WND reported, Hernandez serves as a non-paid volunteer for the McCain campaign. A dual Mexican-U.S. citizen, he was a member of former President Vicente Fox's cabinet, representing an estimate 24 million Mexicans living abroad. Hernandez, with a "Mexico first" message, has argued aggressively against building a fence on the Mexican border, insisting the frontier needed to remain wide open so illegal immigrants could easily enter the U.S.
The July 6, 2001, homepage of the Reform Institute archived on the Internet lists founder McCain as chairman of the group's advisory committee.
Prominent senior officials on the McCain 2008 presidential campaign staff found generously paid positions at the Reform Institute following the senator's unsuccessful run for the White House in 2000.
Rick Davis, McCain's current campaign manager, was paid $110,000 a year by the Reform Institute for a consulting position, according to the group's 2003 Form 990 filing with the IRS.
In 2004, Davis advanced to the position of Reform Institute president, with an annual salary of $120,000, according to the group's 2004 Form 990.
In 2005, Davis remained president, but his salary dropped back to $45,000 a year, with a time commitment of five hours per week, according the 2005 Form 990.
Carla Eudy, a senior advisor on McCain's 2008 presidential campaign who until recently headed fundraising, was paid $177,885 in 2005 to serve as the Reform Institute's secretary-treasurer.
Other McCain presidential campaign staffers who have found employment at the Reform Institute include Trevor Potter, McCain's 2000 legal counsel, and Crystal Benton, the senator's former press secretary, who served as institute's communications director in 2005 for an annual salary of $52,083.
The Reform Institute regularly has supported McCain in various legislative efforts, including on campaign finance reform, global warming and "comprehensive immigration reform," all efforts widely opposed by many in the party's conservative base.
Arianna Huffington, syndicated columnist and creator of the HuffingtonPost.com, has served on the Reform Institute's advisory committee since the group's inception.
According to FrontPage Magazine, Teresa Heinz Kerry has provided more than $4 million to the Tides Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by anti-war activist Drummond Pike in 1976 with a history of funding causes such as abortion, homosexual-rights activism and open borders.
Financial contributors while McCain was chairman of the Reform Institute also have included the Educational Foundation of America, a group that supports abortion and opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve.
The Soros-Kerry funding connection with McCain was first exposed by Ed Morrissey at the Captains Quarters blog in 2005.
Abortion & Marriage - How Important Are They?
These are my honest and heartfelt reflections. And that's all they are.
From the beginning, I've listened and watched and thought hard about who is the right candidate for pro-life leaders, who say the issues of Abortion & Marriage are the two absolutes beyond any other consideration. Those two issues and those alone, are the only issues that are "deal-breakers." It was agreed that finding the 'best' candidate on those two issues is why the meetings were convened.
Along with several others, I sat in meetings where the merits of various candidates were discussed back and forth. Every consideration was put on the examining table for discussion among those who gathered for that expressed purpose. And I never heard anyone in those meetings say the issues of Abortion & Marriage were simply two of many other issues of equal weight.
As important as taxes, national defense, the economy and even immigration were during these discussions among that group of leaders, no one ever expressed that Abortion & Marriage were no longer the only two issues that would dictate our final consensus as to who was therefore most worthy of our collective support.
There were one or two who were already so settled on giving their support to Mike Huckabee, because of his unbroken pro-life credibility, they didn't care to even discuss any of the others. But for the most part, everyone else showed great interest in considering all others in an honest attempt to determine who was the RIGHT candidate -- not necessarily who was the most likely to WIN!
But as time passed, it became clear to the vast majority that Mike Huckabee was the one candidate our group could support with complete confidence.
It was then, however, the group was encouraged, by a few 'leaders' to postpone any collective decision until a special Values Voters Summit could be held in Washington where grass-roots values voters citizens could actually hear for themselves each of the Republican candidates and then cast their votes for who they thought was the clear choice. Even though postponing a consensus-vote would delay the action of the group of assembled leaders, it was finally agreed that no collective action should be determined until after the Values Voters Summit was held.
And the rest is history. Determining the consensus of the group from then on was derailed. The thought seemed to be that no determination was better than having to acknowledge that Mike Huckabee was the candidate of choice. Any candidate other than Mitt Romney would not be permitted to surface.
When the Values Voters Summit was held, after hearing all of the candidates speak for themselves, the values voter grass-roots attendees voted five to one for Mike Huckabee. Huckabee gathered more votes than all other candidates combined, including Mitt Romney. Even when the ballots of those who voted on-line before the Summit were included in the final tally, Mitt Romney was just a point or two ahead of Huckabee. It was never made clear why the on-line voting was mixed-in as part of that tally, because including the on-line votes distorted the meaning of the outcome. The outcome of those at the Summit, who voted "after" actually hearing the candidates speak, was not credited with the true meaning it deserved.
And then it became very clear to me, and to many others, that Mitt Romney was being pushed along into a presumed front-line position beyond any understanding as to why that was happening. Mike Huckabee was the ONLY candidate whose past record on Abortion & Marriage was totally consistent and unbroken -- and therefore totally trustworthy, and therefore totally supportable by those pro-life leaders who had publicly said those two issues were the primary and paramount issues for them to weigh.
Now whether or not Mike Huckabee could actually win was not my major concern. This is not a horse-race where handicapping a winner is part of the process. My concern has always been WHO is the most pro-life and pro-marriage candidate to support and most trustworthy on those "Two issues."
Read the full article here.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hillary vs. Huckabee
Sitting at another full-throttle World Combat League event in San Antonio, Texas, on Friday night, I caught myself momentarily reflecting back upon the previous two days of campaigning with GOP frontrunner Mike Huckabee. As the contestants combated in the WCL ring, I thought to myself, "The fight of the century would be Hillary vs. Huckabee in the presidential ring."
Unless Barack Obama's surge shatters everyone's expectations, or he manages some strategic alignment with John Edwards as a dynamic duo, it seems Hillary will win the nomination. And the question that continues to loom on everyone's mind will remain: Who can beat Hillary? Which GOP candidate has the background, experience and savvy to wage war against the Clinton machine?
I know unequivocally who that man is. It is Mike Huckabee. I'll tell you why.
The problems with other GOP punches
I've trained fighters for nearly four decades now. I was a six-time world champion. I pretty much know what it takes to create a winner. And I believe there are similarities between making winners in the fighting ring and the presidential one – only the strong survive.
Right now the Clinton machine (which Huckabee calls "the sausage grinder") is planning how to slice and dice each of the GOP candidates if they make the nomination.
Ron Paul would battle Hillary with substance, but I believe he would ultimately bow to her shrewdness. Her prowess would prey upon his constitutional cries. He simply lacks the finesse to handle her fortitude.
Fred Thompson is a good man with a fairly conservative record. However, I believe the Clinton-malevolent marketers would aim at his lack of personality or passion and score a direct hit with the public.
John McCain would put on a strong battle against Hillary, though I fear he would be crippled simply on account of the age factor (72 in August). If the presidency ages one at 3-1 year rate, one term could advance McCain into his 80s.
Rudy Giuliani, if he survives this strategy to jump start his campaign in Florida, would be sized up and found wanting as the "New York senator vs. the New York mayor" battle began. Trumping his 9/11 apprentice through trite compliments, Hillary will accuse him of being more Democrat than he is Republican and undervaluing middle America by ignoring the initial primary states.
Mitt Romney might be able to match Hillary's advertisement monies, but the Clinton character assassins will shoot at the series of flip-flops in his platform. And who better to understand how to attack a waffler than one married to Bill Clinton!
Mano a mano from Hope
The person the Clinton sausage grinder fears most is Mike Huckabee. Why? Because …
1) He has the longest and largest executive experience running government among GOP candidates – three years a lieutenant governor and 11 years as governor of the State of Arkansas – more experience than even Bill took into office.
2) Hillary can't belittle Huck's origins because they are theirs too – Bill and Mike were both governors, both from Hope, Ark.
3) Mike has far more passion and personality than Hillary, and he is the only one who can persuasively outlast, outplay and outwit her in any debating ring or campaign arena.
4) Mike has a record she can't punch. She can't even swing at the false allegations against Mike on immigration, taxes or pardons, primarily because the Clinton legacy has a record of condoning illegals, raising taxes and releasing criminals!
Though I'm sure Bill is now regretting the compliment he offered Huckabee when Mike was nowhere near the top tier of candidates, let me remind the world. Bill said Mike was the "only dark horse that's got any kind of chance … He's the best speaker they've got."
The fact is Mike is the best opponent to fight Hillary, because, most of all, as he has reminded us in many occasions, "I've already taken on the Clinton machine and beat it twice."
The only resource Clinton has that could combat Mike is more money – and in this ring we all know the muscle in that fist. But we can prevent that, and must by financially joining Mike's army before it's too late.
So can a man who was raised in a poor background from Hope, Ark., become governor then president? As Mike says, "Our country has already proven that!" What I would say is: Give Hope another chance! This time they want to send in the real cavalry.
Keep Hope alive! Join my wife Gena and me in electing Mike Huckabee!
Monday, January 28, 2008
The One Candidate Who Is and Always Was Pro-life
Huckabee: The Conservative Choice?
After the South Carolina primary and the subsequent withdrawal of Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter’s presidential bids, the Republican field has narrowed considerably. Barring a Giuliani victory in Florida, the nominee will almost certainly be Romney, McCain, or Huckabee. As none of the remaining candidates can lay full claim to the conservative mantle, how do conservative voters select from among these three without splitting the party and dividing the base?
In the past, the various factions that compose the GOP made common cause based on a set of principles; a muscular foreign policy, free market economics, and promoting a culture that values life. After spending decades in the political wilderness, Republicans chose Ronald Reagan to turn these principles into policy. The order of events was no accident; the man (Reagan) met the moment (the Cold War and the supply-side boom) once Republicans were united in purpose.
In 2008, party unification (and subsequently, electoral victory) hinges on one thing: internalizing the lessons of the past. It is for that reason that conservatives and Republicans must approach the primaries from a different angle. Rather than viewing a choice between the current candidates as a series of trade-offs (Huckabee the social conservative vs. Romney the economic conservative), we should look at the principles beneath the positions. In that light, the current choice is between two conservatives (Romney and Huckabee) and a moderate who leans right on foreign policy (McCain).
In order for the GOP to usher in four new years of conservative governance, its voters must have one priority: to pick the candidate who 1) best embodies conservative principles and 2) is able to put those principles into practice so that they fully address the needs of the nation and its citizens.
For this reason, Mike Huckabee deserves a second look by primary voters who have written him off as “the social conservative candidate” or “an economic populist.” While he has drawn heat from a number of prominent conservatives for his attacks on the Club for Growth and the fact that he raised taxes while governor of Arkansas, there is more to Huckabee than meets the eye. While it is true that he raised taxes five times as governor, he also lowered them ninety-four times.
Additionally, polls indicate that the middle class is trending Democratic—largely over economic issues. While tax cuts are excellent for stimulating economic growth, they do nothing for job security. Huckabee’s overtures to Americans concerned about their jobs have not abandoned the principles of free-market economics; they still emphasize empowering individuals over expansion of government power. Rather, they are an attempt to answer the needs of the voters without resorting to the socialism-lite offered by the Democrats.
The fact is that America in 2008 faces different problems than in 1980, and while principles should not change, solutions must change where necessary to effectively meet America’s needs.
An avowed supporter of the pro-life movement and traditional marriage, Huckabee also offers a fresh perspective on the culture of life. By speaking on the genocide in Darfur and the slaughter of the unborn in America in the same breath, he has effectively linked America’s responsibility to the unborn and its responsibility to champion freedom and protect the innocent abroad.
This moral clarity is vitally important.
To those in the party who would like to put the issue of abortion on the back burner in favor of economic and foreign policy issues, Huckabee’s rejoinder is, why choose? All life is sacred. At the same time, it is an eloquent rebuttal to those Americans who are suffering from Iraq-induced fatigue and prefer a “non-interventionist” foreign policy. As President Bush noted, the terrorists began this conflict, but we’ll decide how and when to finish it.
Though the slate of Republican candidates is smaller than ever, conservatives need not despair. There is more than one candidate remaining whose platform is rooted in conservative principles. If, however, conservatives are looking something more—if they are looking for a candidate who can utilize these principles to craft new policies to meet our current challenges, they could not do better than to consider Mike Huckabee. The man from Hope is selling his own brand of optimism to voters—which makes him Reaganesque in more ways than one.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Governor Huckabee Responds to an Open Letter
On January 14, Frank Pastore wrote an open letter Mike Huckabee Titled: “Dear Huck: You’ve Won Our Hearts, Now Win Our Minds Too.” Below are Pastore’s Original Questions with the Response from the Huckabee campaign.
Frank Pastore: 1. You’re accused of advancing “liberal economic policies” because you raised taxes in Arkansas. If elected, what do you want to increase social spending on and why? Most conservatives don’t define “limited government” in terms of “no government.” We want government to help those who truly need it. We want to help the single mom down the street that’s struggling. Unlike Democrats, we don’t measure the success of social programs by how much we spend on them, but by whether the people we claim to be helping actually get helped.
Governor Mike Huckabee: First, I am a fiscal conservative. I have signed Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform “no tax” pledge. When I was Governor of Arkansas, I cut taxes 94 times, including the largest broad-based tax cut in the history of my state. I doubled the standard deduction and the child care credit, eliminated the marriage penalty, indexed tax brackets to prevent bracket creep, reduced the capital gains tax for both businesses and individuals, and eliminated the capital gains tax on the sale of a home. I reduced welfare rolls by almost 50 percent.
When I left office, the tax rates remained exactly the same as when I began almost 11 years earlier: the tax rate was 1 percent for the poorest taxpayers and 7 percent for the richest. Having inherited a $200 million budget shortfall from my Democrat predecessor, I left office with an $844 million surplus, letting my successor follow my lead to get the sales tax on food eliminated.
I share your goal of wanting to help those who truly need it. I will undertake a top-to-bottom review of all programs to eliminate waste and duplication. Right now there are many different programs dealing with things like hunger and job training. I will consolidate and streamline to get the most out of every tax dollar. I will reduce the federal work force by not replacing many of the baby boomers who will be retiring.
I will fight against pork and fight for a line-item veto that passes constitutional muster. I will also look for ways to accomplish our goals through block grants to the states. Governors at the state level are the ones who know their people and their needs better than the federal government and, since they have to balance their budgets, know how to get the most out of a dollar. We also need to measure performance and demand better accountability. We have to stop throwing money at problems without following up to ensure that they are actually achieving solutions. I will insist that programs and the people running them justify their existence. I will never just assume that because a program was funded last year, it should be funded next year.
Read the rest of the article here...
Friday, January 18, 2008
$25 times 10,000 is what it is.
Please pledge $25 and join The Momentum Project. Ask others to do the same. No money will be collected unless and not until we become 10,000 strong. Imagine the difference we can make – together. Click on the pledge icon on the right now and pledge your $25 support.
Side note: I was so impressed by the idea of this project being a supporter with limited means. After some correspondence, I learned that the founder of the project who is also hosting the website is a home educated young man who loves the Lord. Not a surprise there.
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
A response to Romney's attack add
TRUTH: Governor Huckabee was tougher on methamphetamine manufacturers than Governor Romney
In a new attack ad released today, Governor Romney attempts to contrast his position on drugs with that of Governor Huckabee. The ad says that Romney got “Tough on Drugs Like Meth,” while Governor Huckabee “Reduced Penalties for Manufacturing Meth.” What Romney fails to mention is that — even with the reductions — Governor Huckabee was tougher on methamphetamine manufacturers than Governor Romney was.
* The “reduced penalty” in Arkansas was a requirement that meth manufacturers serve 50 percent of their sentence rather than 70 percent before being eligible for parole. In Arkansas, the average meth dealer spends an average of 10 years in prison.
* In contrast, the source quoted in the Romney ad that claimed Romney “got tough” on drugs notes, “The punishment would be either 2 1/2 years in jail or five years in prison.”
Let’s compare: Under Huckabee, 10 years; Under Romney, 5 years
The ad also states that Romney “never pardoned a single criminal.” But this begs the question: how many clemency cases did he actually review while he was governor of Massachusetts? Or did he simply avoid his responsibility as chief executive of the state to review clemency cases and give petitioners a fair hearing?
The ad also points out that Governor Huckabee granted more clemencies than the “previous three governors…combined.” It doesn’t mention that two of the previous three governors were Bill Clinton and convicted felon Jim Guy Tucker. Governor Huckabee’s clemency rate, however, was in line with other governors who have served the state.
This article is informative about the difference between pardon and clemency.
Read the rest of the article here.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
NYT Features Homeschool Brothers
WASHINGTON — Much of the national leadership of the Christian conservative movement has turned a cold shoulder to the Republican presidential campaign of Mike Huckabee, wary of his populist approach to economic issues and his criticism of the Bush administration’s foreign policy. But that has only fired up Brett and Alex Harris.
The Harris brothers, 19-year-old evangelical authors and speakers who grew up steeped in the conservative Christian movement, are the creators of Huck’s Army, an online network that has connected 12,000 Huckabee campaign volunteers, including several hundred in Michigan, which votes Tuesday, and South Carolina, which votes Saturday.
They say they like Mr. Huckabee for the same reason many of their elders do not: “He reaches outside the normal Republican box,” Brett Harris said in an interview from his home near Portland, Ore.
The brothers fell for Mr. Huckabee last August when they saw him draw applause on “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” for explaining that he believed in a Christian obligation to care for prenatal “life” and also education, health care, jobs and other aspects of “life.” “It is a new kind of evangelical conservative position,” Brett Harris said. Alex Harris added, “And we are not going to have to be embarrassed about him.”
Read the rest of the article here...
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HSLDA PAC Endorses Mike Huckabee for President
Mike Huckabee, as governor, was the first to appoint a homeschooler to the Arkansas State Board of Education, and to our knowledge the first to do so in any state. He is adamantly opposed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and is committed to stopping the erosion of parental rights. He is pro-life. He supports traditional marriage. He believes that the Internal Revenue Service should be abolished and replaced with the Fair Tax--a move that we strongly support because it would greatly benefit homeschooling families. He believes and is willing to say that Islamic extremism needs to be understood as a theologically driven threat. He believes that America must be strong, but should never be perceived as a bully. He believes that our borders must be secured not only from illegal immigration but from the growing trend among American judges of "illegally importing" international law into our American judicial systems.
To read the whole letter, click here.
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
Beyond Civics 101 - HuckaMania in Pennsylvania
Here is how we judge our candidate: he needs to be a social conservative above all, then his view on the economy and our security are only next in importance.
1 - Does he believe in the sanctity of life?
2 - Does he honor the time tested traditional family make up?
3 - Does he understand the gravity of the threat to our national security?
4 - Does he have a practical policy to fix the immigration problem in the country with compassion while upholding the law?
5 - Does he understand the need for fiscal conservatism and what it is like to walk in the shoes of the average American burdened by the level of taxation imposed by the government?
6 – Does he acknowledge the fact that our rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution are very much under threat?
We can say without hesitation that Mike Huckabee passes the test for who we want for a president.
I hope that you will visit this site often as I strive to post articles that matter in Mike Huckabee’s presidential aspiration. I believe him to be the best man to be our leader who will also honor time tested Biblical principles our forefathers used to found this country.
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Homeschoolers in Arkansas Support Mike Huckabee
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